The Forest Path Podcast

Narrated translations of meditation masters of the forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

Hosted by


Narrated translations of meditation masters of the forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

Meet our Hosts

Sol Hanna

Sol Hanna

I am Sol Hanna, the producer and host of the Treasure Mountain Podcast. I'm a 47 year old Australian who has been a practising Buddhist since 1993. In my time I've contributed to Buddhist publishing online mostly as a volunteer with the Buddhist Society of Western Australia. As a volunteer (and as president, vice president and a committee member over many years) I've been responsible for working to establish the first website (, the first posting of dhamma talks online and the first podcast (2004), the BSWA Youtube channel (2006) as well as later improvements and innovations to the BSWA's online services. The BSWA's online volunteers have helped millions of people connect with dhamma teachings which have become incredibly popular across the globe. The whole internet landscape has changed dramatically since the turn of the century. My aim over the next few years is to see if I can make an even broader impact through initiatives like the Treasure Mountain podcast. We are in the early stages of a global Buddhist renaissance and my aim is to connect more people with the regular practice of virtue, meditation and wisdom. I'm hoping you can offer some feedback to help me get there. These days I’ve moved out of the big city with my wife Jenni and son Arturo to live in a small country town called Witchcliffe. I am the convenor of the local Buddhist group, BAMBI, and am the main teacher of meditation and dhamma when we do not have guest monastics visiting. Our aim is to support forest monks and nuns on a "tudong trail" or walk-about trail, where they can live in the South-West forests and practice in solitude whilst being supported by the local community. And one day we will establish a monastery in the South-West region. When I’m not busy with my efforts to share dhamma practice far and near, I'm teaching at a local secondary school, supporting my wife and son, spending time in my big permaculture garden with hundreds of fruit trees and veggies, and lots of ducks and chickens and a couple of silky terriers.